Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

APPLICATION for detecting and measuring FACE BY USING MATLAB BOBI,

APPLICATION for detecting and measuring FACE BY USING MATLAB
Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, 2006
Gunadarma University

Key Word :

Biometric technology is one type of recognition systems or identify the parts of human body based on some biological characteristics for the exact introduction. Include facial recognition, fingerprints and eye recognition part of human body parts and remains unique. Introduction to shape and position of the characteristics of a person's face is a complex task. The process of face recognition is the detection of facial area. Face detection is also one of the applications that use biometric technology of image processing analysis. Face area detection process needs to be face image input to the process of detection as previous studies. Having obtained the entire face area, and can be the width and height measurements based on the detection side of the face to complement face face recognition. From measurements of detected faces, can be made a classification of the facial image of a face. In this application form 2 classified faces, namely a round face shape and not round to every person's face to be tested. Of 80 trials using a single image with the direction of frontal faces, different lighting conditions relative to the size of the image of 350 x 300 pixels, face detection and measurement of the area and classification of facial shape, gained success rate of 96%. Classification based on face shape is successfully detected a round face shape and not rounded. When an image processing ratarata is 5.44995, and each image has a size face unique face.

Program Sarjana, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, 2006
Universitas Gunadarma

Kata Kunci :

Teknologi biometrik merupakan salah satu jenis sistem pengenalan atau mengidentifikasi pada bagian tubuh manusia berdasarkan beberapa karakteristik biologis untuk kepastian pengenalan. Antara lain pengenalan wajah, sidik jari dan pengenalan bagian mata dari bagian tubuh manusia yang unik dan tetap. Pengenalan bentuk dan posisi dari ciri-ciri wajah seseorang adalah tugas yang kompleks. Proses dari pengenalan wajah di antaranya adalah deteksi area wajah. Deteksi wajah juga merupakan salah satu aplikasi dari teknologi biometrik yang memanfaatkan analisis dari pengolahan citra. Proses pendeteksian area wajah ini membutuhkan citra wajah untuk dijadikan input pada proses pendeteksian seperti penelitian sebelumnya. Setelah didapat area wajah keseluruhan, kemudian dapat dilakukan pengukuran lebar dan tinggi wajah berdasarkan deteksi tepi wajah untuk melengkapi pengenalan wajah. Dari pengukuran wajah yang terdeteksi, dapat dibuat suatu pengklasifikasian bentuk wajah dari suatu citra wajah. Pada aplikasi ini diklasifikasikan 2 bentuk wajah, yaitu bentuk wajah bulat dan tidak bulat untuk setiap wajah orang yang akan diuji. Dari uji coba menggunakan 80 citra orang tunggal dengan arah wajah frontal, kondisi pencahayaan relatif berbeda dengan ukuran citra 350 X 300 piksel, pendeteksian area wajah dan pengukuran serta pengklasifikasian bentuk wajah, didapat tingkat keberhasilan sebesar 96%. Pengklasifikasian bentuk wajah yang berdasarkan berhasil dideteksi adalah bentuk wajah bulat dan tidak bulat. Waktu ratarata pemrosesan satu citra adalah 5.44995 dan setiap citra wajah memiliki ukuran wajah yang unik.

APPLICATION for detecting and measuring FACE BY USING MATLAB

Biometric technology is one type of recognition systems or identify the parts of human body based on some biological characteristics for the exact identification. Include face identification, fingerprints and eye identification part of human body parts and remains unique. Identification to shape and position of the characteristics of a person's face is a complex task. The process of face identification is the detection of face area. Face detection is also one of the applications that use biometric technology of image processing analysis. Face area detection process needs to be face image input to the process of detection as previous studies. Having obtained the entire face area, and can be the width and height measurements based on the detection side of the face to complement face identification. From measurements of detected faces, can be made a classification of the face image of a face. In this application form 2 classified faces, namely a round face shape and not round to every person's face to be tested. Of 80 trials using a single image with the direction of frontal faces, different lighting conditions relative to the size of the image of 350 x 300 pixels, face detection and measurement of the area and classification of facial shape, gained success rate of 96%. Classification based on face shape is successfully detected a round face shape and not rounded. Need arround in 5.44995 to proccesing one image, and every image has an unique face.

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